THC and CBD Juul Pods/Joi Pods for Vaping Marijuana
Vaping and e-cigarettes have become increasingly popular in recent years; however, none have taken off quite like the Juul. In fact, Juul controls about 70% of the entire market; it allows people to quit smoking cigarettes or kick nicotine altogether, through these convenient little pens.
What is Juul?
After debuting in 2015, Juul changed the vaping industry in a number of ways. For starters, it was one of the first discrete vape pen designs; the sleek design was appealing, especially because it could fit in the palm of your hands. Juul is also the company responsible for making the “pod system” mainstream, introducing little disposable pods, that made the whole vaping experience incredibly easy and convenient.
Vaping Cannabis Out of Juul Pods
Now, as cannabis has been legalized in Canada, the plant and its various extractions are becoming popular on a parallel spectrum. With recreational marijuana legal across the nation, there’s been a massive rise in cannabis vaping products.
While the Juul company itself doesn’t yet provide Juul pods for anything other than nicotine, our intelligent community put together everything they needed to make re-usable pods. These pods can either use nicotine e-juice or specific formulations of cannabis concentrate and fit into a Juul perfectly.
Furthermore, there are various ways to add cannabis concentrate to your own Juul pod; there are ways to tinker with your Juul, so that it fits other cartridges. However, the easiest method we’ve found is to just get the cannabis Juul pods that have already been pre-made.
Although it is not yet fully endorsed by Juul, Juul itself is owned by the popular cannabis vaporizer company Pax. This company is fully aware of the Juul’s easy compatibility and it is a design feature, not a flaw. This discreet vape, that can fit in the palm of your hand, has many third party retailers of the pods.
Our partners offer compatible cannabis concentrate pods, that remove the hassle of tinkering with your own Juul pod. Our goal is to make your marijuana vaping experience a good one. That’s why we have put in the research ourselves, to compile a list of all our partners that do offer compatible concentrate pods. Let’s look at which of the top online dispensaries across Canada offer compatible cannabis concentrate pods for a Juul vape pen.
Get Kush
As we suspected, we immediately found the Strawberry Banana Joi Pods available through Get Kush, so we got to try out that delicious flavour. They also offered Lemon Drop, Gelato, and Grapefruit, each with the same reasonable price. We decided to only snag the Strawberry Banana flavour this time, but their speedy delivery will certainly have us coming back for more.
How to “Make” Your Own Juul Pods
If the compatible Joi Pods don’t do it for you, there are other options that allow you to keep your Juul and still get the most out of vaping weed. You can “hack” a Juul pod to be able to add your own substances, including e-juice, THC and other marijuana oils or a heated-up distillate, to name a few.
First, if your only intention with a Juul is to vape marijuana and THC oils, then you may want to purchase just a Juul pen and then purchase the empty pods from the same retailer or an online retailer (Many different kinds are available, search ‘NORD pods Canada’ or ‘jc01 pods Canada’ from the google search bar). Additionally, you can choose a pre-filled Juul-compatible alternative, such as the Joi Pods.
To get an empty pod ready, or to empty it of its former contents, you will need a flathead screwdriver to easily remove the rubber gasket and mouthpiece. After that, all you must do is add your preferred ratio of substances.
We usually go with a 2 to 3 oil to vape ratio if we’re just starting out. You will have to decide how to thin distillate and what products are safe to use. Every person is different and has individual reactions to various thinning substances. Do your research and experiment to see what formulation is right for you.
If you’re already using a cannabis oil and vape juice, then you don’t have to worry about heating it before placing it into the Juul. However, if you plan on using a THC or CBD distillate instead, there is a step to take before you put it in the pen. Even if you just use a lighter to heat the outside of your distillate syringe, get it melted down to a more viscous state, before ever inserting it into your Juul pod. This will allow the distillate to flow easily and combine with the thinning liquids already placed in in the pod, as the base.
Alternatively, if you prefer not to play surgeon with your Juul pods, there are many different alternatives. There are the more easily accessible CBD Juul pods online that allow you to add in other cannabis oils conveniently and quickly. As you get comfortable with vaping, you will find your preferences and the methods you feel are best.
Final Thoughts
Overall, the cannabis Joi pods that are compatible with the Juul pod system, delivered a hard-hitting and euphoric experience, that we are eager to try again in the future. We are excited to see so many of our partners offer such an exclusive product, that encourages and makes it easy to switch to the healthier alternative of vaping. Even if you don’t switch to vaping full-time, experiencing the high-THC concentrates that the Joi Pods have to offer are still a nice option to have.
Have you tried vaping Cannabis concentrates from the Juul? What about alternatives to the Juul? Please leave us a detailed message below and tell us about your experiences!